HPX Measurement Station

The HPX Measurement Station measures 34.25″ D x 31.25″ W x 67.63″ H.
Once the xenon Xe 129 is hyperpolarized it becomes XENOVIEW™ and is dispensed into a XENOVIEW™ Dose Delivery Bag. The dose of XENOVIEW™ can be stored at room temperature for up to 60 minutes on the measurement station. The HPX Measurement Station is used to measure both the volume and dose equivalent (DE) in the XENOVIEW™ Dose Delivery Bag no more than 5 minutes before patient inhalation. The DE measurement should be at least 75 mL to produce a high-quality image.

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Accessories & Consumables
Training and Support
All users receive hands-on training to operate the HPX Hyperpolarizer System in conjunction with an MRI scanner to perform pulmonary imaging.